All non-human primates are wild animals with complex needs which, we believe, simply cannot be met in captivity, and certainly not in someone’s home.
Bringing an end to the keeping of primates as pets is a cause close to my heart as I have been involved in primate rescue, rehabilitation and conservation for the last decade. Having cared for orphans of the bush meat trade and ex-lab monkeys in South America and ex-pet monkeys here in the UK, there is no question in my mind that these animals suffer immensely when denied the opportunity to live in their natural homes, with their families and thrive without human intervention. Damage caused to primates kept as pets is not just physical, but emotional and psychological. Sometimes that damage cannot be undone, even after years of rehabilitation. It is vital that we ban the keeping of primates as pets in this country to prevent further suffering.
The trade and keeping of primates as pets in the UK lacks scrutiny and so the full extent of the trade is unknown. Estimates suggest that there may be around 9,000 non-human primates kept privately in the UK.
CAPS will continue to work with campaign partners and will keep supporters updated with progress on the campaign.